Summary: | The internet’s future architecture, known as Named Data Networking (NDN), is a creative way to offer content-based services. NDN is more appropriate for content distribution because of its special characteristics, such as naming conventions for packets and methods for in-network caching. Mobility is one of the main study areas for this innovative internet architecture. The software-defined networking (SDN) method, which is employed to provide mobility management in NDN, is one of the feasible strategies. Decoupling the network control plane from the data plane creates an improved programmable platform and makes it possible for outside applications to specify how a network behaves. The SDN is a straightforward and scalable network due to its key characteristics, including programmability, flexibility, and decentralized control. To address the problem of consumer mobility, we proposed an efficient SDPCACM (software-defined proactive caching architecture for consumer mobility) in NDN that extends the SDN model to allow mobility control for the NDN architecture (NDNA), through which the MC (mobile consumer) receives the data proactively after handover while the MC is moving. When an MC is watching a real-time video in a state of mobility and changing their position from one attachment point to another, the controllers in the SDN preserve the network layout and topology as well as link metrics to transfer updated routes with the occurrence of the handoff or handover scenario, and through the proactive caching mechanism, the previous access router proactively sends the desired packets to the new connected routers. Furthermore, the intra-domain and inter-domain handover processing situations in the SDPCACM for NDNA are described here in detail. Moreover, we conduct a simulation of the proposed SDPCACM for NDN that offers an illustrative methodology and parameter configuration for virtual machines (VMs), OpenFlow switches, and an ODL controller. The simulation result demonstrates that the proposed scheme has significant improvements in terms of CPU usage, reduced delay time, jitter, throughput, and packet loss ratio.