Summary: | The following concise notes have been compiled by the undermentioned staff members of the Military Historical and Archival Services (M.H.A.S.) as a llpecial contribution to the golden jubilee of our Air Force and this editon of "Militaria" : a Capt. P. J. Albertse, B.A., Dip. A. and Sgt. P. J. Brink - NO.3 Squadron, S.A.A.F. b Sgt. P. J. Brink - No. 15 Squadron, S.A.A.F. c Miss C. Bergh. B.A., L.S.T.D. '~ No. 25 Squadron, S.A.A.F. d Sgt. P. J. Brink - No. 40 Squadron, S.A.A.F. e Mrs. L. Glatthaar - No. 41 Squadron, S.A.A.F. These squadrons are striking examples of the conduct that characterised all the S.A.A.F. squadrons during that time.