Summary: | This article examines the particulareffects that the electoral systemapplicable to Catalonia have hashad on the last two elections (in1999 and in 2003). These effects,quite anomalous for a proportionalsystem, meant that the mostvotedpolitical party did not obtain,in turn, the largest numberof Parliamentaing seats. Moreover,these anomalous effects areone of the issues that have openedthe recent political debatefor establishing a new electoralsystem. From this starting point,the author firstly analyzes theconcrete electoral and politicalconsequences derived from thedifferent elements of the electoralsystem with one objective: to pinpointthose elements that couldbe subject to reform. Secondlyand in the light of this previousanalysis, the author presents anddiscusses the different electoralsystem proposals supported bythe main Catalan political parties.He finally provides some generalconclusions about a possible newelectoral system.