Summary: | Force plate assessments, such as countermovement jumps and isometric mid-thigh pulls, examine performances (e.g., jump height, force, power) and movement strategies (e.g., asymmetries, durations), and are best suited to characterize and monitor physical capabilities, not predict injuries. To begin applying force plate technologies, users must first; (1) develop a data management plan to visualize and capture data over time; (2) select appropriate force plates for their scenario; (3) design appropriate testing protocols to ensure valid and reliable data. Force plate assessments may be added to existing testing, serve as separate testing batteries for annual profile testing to compare individuals and understand initial physical capabilities, or for more frequent testing (i.e., monthly or weekly) to monitor training-related adaptations or neuromuscular fatigue. Although these assessments inform evidence-based program designs, human performance practitioners must understand the considerations for conducting appropriate force plate testing, as well as proper visualizations and management of force plate data. Thus, the aim of this review is to provide evidence-based practices for utilizing force plates in tactical populations (e.g., military, firefighters, police). This includes best practices to implement testing for performance profiling, training adaptations, and monitoring neuromuscular fatigue and force asymmetries. Of note, due to the large amount of force-time metrics to choose from, this article provides general examples of important metrics to monitor and training recommendations based on changes to these force-time metrics, followed by specific examples in three case studies.