The purpose of this study is to explore the transformation of city form and its structure in Solo which has developed from time to time. The method of this research was carried out by a-three-archive research strategy as follows: primary files; secondary files and physical files. The primary files r...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Budi Prayitno, Qomarun Qomarun
Format: Article
Published: Petra Christian University 2007-01-01
Series:Dimensi: Journal of Architecture and Built Environment
Online Access:
Summary:The purpose of this study is to explore the transformation of city form and its structure in Solo which has developed from time to time. The method of this research was carried out by a-three-archive research strategy as follows: primary files; secondary files and physical files. The primary files referred to the old Javanese documentary (examples: parintah, undhang-undhang, pranatan, piyagem, kakancingan, serat, gugat, penget, babad). The secondary files referred to the document of local, national and international historians (examples: Ricklefs, Lombard, Vorstensteden, Muljana, Notosusanto, Kartodirdjo, Sajid) and Javanese architecture researchers (Ronald, Ikaputra, Adishakti). While the physical files referred to the field research that was conducted by interviews and collecting the artefacts. The main findings of study of morphology in the city of Solo were: the 'skeleton' element grew in three formations (central, cluster and organic); the 'meat' element grew in three formations also (horizontal, vertical, and interstitial); and the 'blood' element increased from the native people (Javanese, Madura, Banjar) to foreign people (Chinese, Arab, India, Dutch) and changed from agricultural to non-agricultural activities. The other findings were the city of Solo was constructed by a-three-concept of urban design as follows: the organic concept which was conducted by native people; the colony concept which was conducted by the Dutch; and the cosmology concept which was conducted by the Javanese Kingdom. In 1500s-1750s, initially the city of Solo was a settlement grew at the bank of Bengawan Solo. Afterwards, in 1750s-1850s it developed into a combined water- and land- based urban fabric Since 1850s, the city of Solo has left the river transportation and changed into the land transportation. Moreover, in 1900s the city of Solo built the new technology of transportation and urban utilities as follows: train, tram (streetcar), electricity and water city installations. In 2000s, the city of Solo acquired the city problems like the other cities in Indonesia. The city problems were divided into three aspects as follows: the built environment; the natural environment; and the social environment. The accumulation of those problems made the city grow in decline direction that needs to be fixed by a-sustainable-city design. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Paper ini berusaha mengupas tentang perubahan struktur dan bentuk Kota Solo setelah mengalami perkembangan dari masa ke masa. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan studi pendekatan kearsipan, baik arsip primer, arsip sekunder maupun arsip fisik. Untuk arsip primer bersumber pada naskah-naskah dokumenter Jawa, seperti parintah, undang-undang, pranatan, piyagem, kakancingan, serat, gugat, penget dan babad. Untuk arsip sekunder bersumber pada buku-buku dari para ahli sejarah (Ricklefs, Lombard, Vorstensteden, Muljana, Notosusanto, Kartodirdjo dll) dan hasil riset dari para ahli sejarah arsitektur Jawa (Ronald, Ikaputra, Adishakti dll). Untuk arsip fisik bersumber dari artefak, elemen alam dan tradisi masyarakat yang diperoleh dari survey lapangan. Temuan utama dari studi morfologi Kota Solo pada tahun 1500-2000 adalah, elemen 'tulang' telah tumbuh membentuk berbagai formasi, yaitu memusat, mengelompok dan organik. Elemen 'daging' telah tumbuh secara horisontal, vertikal dan interestisial. Sementara elemen 'darah' telah berkembang dari orang-orang pribumi (Jawa, Madura, Banjar) bertambah dengan orang-orang pendatang (Cina, Arab, India, Belanda), dengan mata pencaharian dari agricultural ke non-agricultural. Temuan penting lainnya adalah, Kota Solo tersusun oleh tiga konsep yang berlainan, yang saling tumpang tindih, yaitu konsep organik oleh masyarakat pribumi, konsep kolonial oleh masyarakat Belanda dan konsep kosmologi oleh masyarakat Keraton Jawa. Kota Solo pada tahun 1500-1750 masih berupa kota tepian sungai di Bengawan Solo, kemudian pada tahun 1750-1850 berkembang menjadi kota campuran antara kota perairan dan daratan. Sejak tahun 1850an, Kota Solo mulai meninggalkan lalu lintas sungai dan berganti ke lalu lintas daratan, sehingga menjadi kota daratan. Apalagi sejak tahun 1900an, setelah dibangun teknologi baru pada sarana transportasi dan utilitas kota, yaitu jalur rel kereta api, jalur trem, jaringan listrik dan jaringan air bersih, maka Kota Solo benar-benar telah berubah ke kota daratan, meninggalkan hiruk-pikuk kota tepian sungai yang pernah terjadi di Bengawan Solo. Pada tahun 2000an, Kota Solo mengalami permasalah kota yang umumnya juga terjadi di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, yaitu permasalahan pada lingkungan alaminya, lingkungan buatannya dan lingkungan humannya. Akumulasi permasalahan kota itu menjadikan Kota Solo pada masa-masa mendatang akan semakin memasuki masa ke arah decline, sehingga perlu dicarikan grand-design kota yang sustainable. Kata kunci: morfologi, irreversible, kota, bentuk, struktur.