Summary: | The purpose of the publication is to analyze the research methodology of a complex of documentary sources on the ideology of Nazism, created as a result of the activities of a number of structures in the system of state and party management in the Third Reich, which operated under the leadership of Alfred Rosenberg in 1934-1945 within the structure of the NSDAP and known as Rosenberg’s office. The research methodologyis based on the theoretical and practical principles of applying the methodology of historical research in the field of source studies, archival studies, document studies, and also relies on general scientific principles and methods of research. The novelty of the research is in defining a complex of general scientific methods regarding the subject of research, which the author used in her studies of documentary complexes of sources on Nazi ideology produced by Rosenberg’s office in 1934-1945. Conclusions. As a result of the activities of Rosenberg’s office, primarily during Rosenberg’ sterm as the Commissioner of the Fьhrer for the Supervision of the Entire Intellectual and Ideological Schooling and Training of the NSDAP, a set of documents was formed, which is a source for studying the role of these services in the formation of the ideology of National Socialism and their influence on the politics of the Third Reich. During the study of the formation of the documentary system of these services and its functioning as a source base, it was established that the use of general scientific methods, principles and approaches is based not only on the principles of historicism and objectivity, butalso on a systemic approach, based on the method of structural-functional analysis.The structure of this documentary system was studied on the basis of the analysis of the documents of Rosenberg’s office as its elements, their typological classification. Their functional purpose and connections were also examined and it was determined that problem and thematic, comparative, logical, chronological methods and the method of periodization should be applied to perform the study.