Summary: | Indian mustard is mostly targeted for commercial cultivation as early sown or late sown crop with the expectation of higher yield. With this objective, genetical analysis (13 heat tolerant line × 4 heat susceptible tester) of yield traits were carried out. Per cent genotypic coefficient of variations for all 12 yield contributing traits in all three environments was low to high with variance ratio less than unity indicating non-additive genes action. The lines namely Urvashi in E1, PR 08-5 in E2 & P, and PRL 08-6 in E3 as well as testers namely RH 0304 in E1, E2 & P, and JMWR 08-3 in E3 exhibited highest GCA for seed yield. These genotypes, in series of crosses, showed high GCA effects in desirable direction for at least four yield contributing traits. For seed yield, five top ranking crosses were found entirely different for each environment indicating that heterosis manifestation was cross and environment specific. The most outstanding heterotic crosses for different environments were Urvashi × RH 0304 in E1, PR 08-5×JMWR 08-3 in E2, PRL 08-6×RH 0304 in E3 and across environments for seed yield along with high heterosis for 4-6 component traits.