Summary: | Monstreation is a business engaged in clothing convection, these business products are marketed online such as jackets and shirts for class, shirt and community clothing. The problem that occurs in this convection is the lack of product recommendation services to customers. Another problem is that if there are customers who order products that are not in accordance with their needs, the customer will rarely order products at Monstreation. The solution used is to provide services that match the characteristics of the customer, for example by giving product recommendations. Product recommendations are also needed considering this type of business is a business that has many business rivals. The steps taken in this study begin by collecting customer transaction data, then the data is transformed into RFM criteria data. After being transformed, the data is weighted using AHP, after that the RFM data is weighted then grouped / clustered. The grouping results are validated with DBI. From the experiments conducted it is known that the number of cluster 3 is the optimal number of clusters in product grouping. After it is ranked based on the value of the total weight. From the experiments conducted, it is known that the results of the 3 customer clusters, the customers who have the highest weight value are customers in cluster 1. The results of this study are a product recommendation that is an association of product history of customers who have a cluster similarity and a product recommendation information system.