Summary: | The field experiment was conducted during August – December 2014 to study the morpho-physiological and root characters of ragi entries under rainfed conditions. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with three replications. Seven entries were subjected to rainfed conditions viz., (V1) Paiyur 2, (V2) CO7, (V3) CO 15, (V4) L 5, (V5) GPU 28, (V6) KRI 007-01 and (V7) KRI 009-01 with the spacing of 22.5 x 10 cm after receiving the rainfall of 37.4mm. The total amount of rainfall during August, September, October and November is 37.4 mm, 106.2 mm, 248.7 mm and 35.8 mm.. The plant height, root length and root volume and leaf area index were measured at 45th, 60th, 75th DAS and at Harvest stages. The physiological observations of total chlorophyll and relative water content were analyzed at 50per cent flowering stages. The morphological, physiological and root characters were significantly enhanced by the entries of KRI 009-01 and showed its superiority when compared to other entries at 45th , 60th , 75th DAS and at Harvest stages, which was followed by PYR 2. The lowest performance was noticed in CO 15 and GPU 28 under rainfed conditions. Comparing the seven entries, KRI 009-01 and PYR 2 had the highest plot yield (5.16 kg and 5.05 kg plot-1) and hectare yield (74.9 Q and 74.6 Q ha-1). Therefore, the entries of KRI 009-01 and PYR performed superior and were identified suitable entries for growing under rainfed conditions.