Summary: | Male rats were divided into three groups and fed a fat-free diet (Group A), a diet supplemented with 7% of ethyl linolenate (Group B), and as a control, a diet supplemented with 7%, of ethyl linoleate (Group C) for 3 weeks. Fatty acid compositions of cardiolipin, “cephalin,” and lecithin in column chromatographic fractions of the liver mitochondrial and microsomal lipids were determined.In the cardiolipin fraction, the percentages of palmitoleic and oleic acids increased markedly in group A, as did that of linolenic acid in group B; linoleic acid decreased. In all groups the “cephalin” fraction was richer in highly unsaturated fatty acids than the lecithin fraction. In group A a marked decrease of arachidonic acid in the lecithin fraction matched the increases of oleic and eicosatrienoic acids. The increase of eicosatrienoic acid during linoleic acid deficiency was most markedly shown in the inositol-containing fraction. Mitochondrial and microsomal lipids were similar in all cases.These changes may be related to the functional specificity of phospholipids and to the influence of linoleic acid deficiency on their different biosynthetic pathways.