Summary: | Chromosome numbers of 20 species of Zingiberaceae in Thailand were determined by Feulgen squash method. The somatic chromosome numbers are between 2n = 20 to 54. The chromosome numbers of 10 species: Alpinia cf. galanga (L.) Willd. (2n = 48), Etlingera pauciflora (Ridl.) R.M. Smith (2n = 48), Geostachys cf. pierreana Gagnep. (2n = 48), Plagiostachys aff. albiflora Ridl. (2n = 48), Boesenbergia plicata (Ridl.) Holtt. (orange form, 2n = 20), B. tenuispicata K. Larsen (2n = 20), Haniffia albiflora K. Larsen & J. Mood (2n = 22), Scaphochlamys obcordata P. Sirirugsa & K. Larsen (2n = 28), Zingiber aff. sulphureum Burkill ex Theilade (2n = 22) and Z. wrayi Prain (2n = 22) are first reported here, while that of S. biloba Ridl. is different from the earlier report.