Summary: | Objective: description of the rational expectations model and analysis of possibilities to use it in strategic management of airport complexes. Method: abstract-logical. Results: Development of an airport (airport complex) is in its progressing along the lifecycle curve during a certain period. Airport complex management is aimed at increasing the period when the enterprise is stable, or, vise versa, at reducing the period to decrease the probability of negative circumstances, which is reflected in the elaborated economic strategies. Viewing the airports’ activity as a complex economic system, we conclude that its development is connected with the strategic solutions in the sphere of economy and finance determined by a number of factors influencing the development of the airport complex as a whole. Scientific novelty: The issue of airport complex management under rational expectations is viewed. It is revealed that rational expectations serve as a basis for making strategic decisions in airport complexes management; the factor model is given, which describes rational and irrational expectations of subjects of airport management. Practical value: possibility to implement the rational expectations model in airport complex management.