Summary: | This work describes the woody layer composition and structure in two seasonal forest fragments in the Tocantins river basin and compares them to other remnants of this forest physiognomy in Brazil. The survey was carried out by using 17 plot samples (20 × 50 m) located in Palmeirópolis, state of Tocantins, and in Minaçú, state of Goiás. All woody individuals showing diameters > 5 cm, at 1.30 cm above ground level, were recorded. The higher floristic similarity of these forest remnants compared with other closer seasonal forests did not show a distinct pattern. The floristic composition was more similar to that of a deciduous seasonal forest in the Paranã valley, and more dissimilar to other forests in this same valley. This result and a higher dissimilarity related to the southern forests in Goiás suggest that the forest fragments showed a floristic composition and structure typical of lowland seasonal forests in the Tocantins river basin. The results also indicated that the forest fragments have distinct floristic compositions with a relatively similar structure and diversity.