Neoliberalism and education: A reformational-pedagogical perspective (part 2)

Abstract This is the second part of an article that forms a link in a series of studies and publications from the pens (computers) of reformational educationists regarding the so-called –isms deemed to be threats to the Christian (Biblical) orientation to education (including teaching and learning)...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Johannes Lodewicus Van der Walt
Format: Article
Published: Scriber Editorial Systems 2017-12-01
Series:Koers : Bulletin for Christian Scholarship
Online Access:
Summary:Abstract This is the second part of an article that forms a link in a series of studies and publications from the pens (computers) of reformational educationists regarding the so-called –isms deemed to be threats to the Christian (Biblical) orientation to education (including teaching and learning). In the first part, an overview was given of how reformational educationists have so far attended to the various “-isms” that they perceived as threats or challenges to Christian education. This was followed by an attempt to define the concept “neoliberalism” and to indicate what it means in general and, in particular, for education. The first part of the article has paved the way for what follows here: a critical analysis of neoliberalism as a recognisable “philosophy of education” and of its transcendental preconditions. Opsomming Die neoliberalisme en opvoeding en onderwys: ‘n reformatories-pedagogiese perspektief (deel 2) Hierdie is die tweede deel van ‘n artikel wat ‘n skakel vorm in ‘n reeks artikels en publikasies uit die penne (rekenaars) van reformatoriese opvoedkundiges oor die sogenaamde –ismes wat hulle geag het bedreiginge te wees vir die Christelike (Bybelse) benadering tot opvoeding (insluitend onderrig en leer). In die eerste deel van die artikel is ‘n oorsig gegee van hoe die reformatoriese opvoedkundiges dusver aandag geskenk het aan die “-ismes” wat hulle gemeen het sodanige gevare vir die Chrsitelike opvoeding inhou, of uitdagings daaraan rig. Dit is opgevolg deur ‘n poging om die begrip “neoliberalisme” te omskryf en aan te dui wat dit in die algemeen beteken, dog ook in die besonder vir opvoeding en onderwys. Die eerste deel van die artikel het die weg voorberei vir wat nou hier aangepak word, naamlik om ‘n kritiese ontleding aan te bied van neoliberalisme as ‘n herkenbare “opvoedingsfilosofie” en van die transendentale voorwaardes daarvan.