Summary: | Protected areas with their beauty, richness and diversity represent the core value and one of the most important natural values of every country. Protected areas represent not only important instruments for preserving biodiversity, but they also contain enormous potential for social and economic development.
However, these potentials are not yet sufficiently recognized. Nowadays, the key issue in managing protected natural areas is to define and choose the most favorable natural resource management strategy that will at the same time satisfy all development criteria. In that sense, the marketing issue is one of the most crucial ones, having in mind the fact that protected areas represent very specific tourist destinations that have to be adequately preserved, protected, valorized and promoted. This paper focuses on the results of the research that was carried out in Montenegro in order to improve the process in the branding of
national parks and protected areas in Montenegro and to promote and valorize them in an appropriate manner based on the critically important principles of sustainable development. Any sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices should also be applicable to all forms of tourism and in a wide variety of destinations, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism segments. Sustainability is critical as it denotes the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural facets of tourism
development, and thus it is vital that a suitable balance must be established amongst its various dimensions so as to assure its enduring sustainability. This implies that optimum use be made of environmental resources that constitute a significant components in tourism development, and which preserve indispensable ecological processes which support the conservation of natural heritage and wide range of biodiversity.