Summary: | The logistical focus is constituting a demand of the current environment and conforming a new factor of competitive diferentiation, it is needed to develop it observing the due integration and the necessities of the organization in each moment. To accept this challenge it becomes necessary a development of the logistics in the organizations or cooperative at level of their philosophy, the structure, the concepts and the techniques.
The Logistics, as strategic tool of administration, is more and more grateful at international level, due to the high competitiveness that exists at the moment in all the sectors, and to the globalization of the markets.
The necessities of elementary knowledge of logistics for the best support in the new cooperatives on inherent basic aspects to this discipline, it will allow to appear the necessities and more urgent weaknesses that facilitate to endow certain presidents or associates, interested of basic knowledge for the sake of assuring their entities with supports keys for a sure and prosperous administration, relative to the essential topics of the logistics.