Summary: | Electronic technologies and services, as well as digital educational services, are the key factors of the new economy. Today the generally recognized role of the digital economy as a driver of progressive changes and a tool for the qualitative modernization of the institution of education is obvious. In the context of digital restructuring of all spheres of human life, the most important place belongs to the formation of a digital educational environment as a tool for the flexible adaptation of educational institutions to permanently changing environmental conditions (requirements of Federal state educational standards, competitive struggle of universities in the educational space, requests from employers, etc.). One of the ways of education digitalization is the introduction of e-learning courses into the educational process as an innovative content for the organization of educational activities. In this regard, the problem of the research can be formulated as follows: what is the design technology and content of the e-learning course?The purpose of the research is to reveal the technology of designing an electronic training course in the context of professional training of future workers in the tourism industry. To achieve this goal, a complex of scientific methods has been used: the study of scientific and methodological literature, analysis, design, generalization.The research results are as follows: the concept of «electronic training course» has been disclosed, types of electronic training courses presented; the algorithm for developing an electronic training course described; an example of an electronic training course on the discipline «Program tourism and tourism safety» given; the advantages of using the e-learning course proposed by the author in the educational process of training future workers in the tourism industry described.Key findings are e-learning course is an independent learning unit, e-learning content is focused primarily on self-learning; there are three types of e-learning courses, differing in the degree of presentation of the materials of the work programs – from full compliance with the content of the work program of the discipline to a partial, fragmentary presentation of its individual elements at the discretion of the teacher; the algorithm for designing an e-learning course is represented by defining its structure in accordance with the requirements established by each university, preparing the relevant didactic materials, compiling an information map, presenting it in the e-learning management system, approval and coordination procedures by the relevant structures of a university; the electronic training course proposed by the author on the discipline «Program tourism and tourism safety» has a block structure, contains the parameters for presenting the material for each element of the block; own experience of introducing an electronic training course into the professional training of future employees of the tourism industry has showed its relevance in educational practice.