Summary: | Fifth-generation (5G) cellular networks are a promising technology to meet the rapid growth in wireless traffic. Small cells are critical in fulfilling the requirements of 5G networks. A heterogeneous ultra-dense network (HUDN) is an enabling technology consisting of several types of small cells to enhance the performance of 5G networks effectively. A critical issue of HUDN is the cell selection method because the traditional technique for cell selection is inapplicable in such a network. This study proposes a novel adaptive cell selection (ADA-CS) scheme. It adapts to various characteristics of HUDNs and vehicle movements. It performs six phases to select the best base station with which to be associated. Simulation results show that, with low- and medium-speed vehicles, the ADA-CS scheme outperforms the traditional protocol in terms of the average number of handovers by 42.39%. In addition, it is superior to some relevant recent schemes by up to 36.53%. The adaptation feature of the proposed protocol provides additional improvements regarding the average number of handovers with high-speed vehicles. Therefore, it achieves superiority in terms of the average number of handover failures and unnecessary handovers. In addition, the ADA-CS scheme enhances the average achievable downlink data rates and spectral efficiency per vehicle by 3.98% and 2.79% compared with the traditional and the relevant recent schemes.