Summary: | Background. Basket willow – Salix viminalis – a highly productive type of willows
that is used to create raw material plantations. The necessity of studying the intraclonal variability of seasonal dynamics of daily shoots increment is justified.
The purpose of the research is to identify the possible influence of excessive atmospheric
humidification (such as periodic cloudbursts) on the dynamics of S. viminalis
shoot development.
Materials and methods. The object of the research is a model inbred-clonal population
of S. viminalis. The origin of the founders is an autochthonous population
of S. viminalis in the Bryansk forest area. The materials are increasing annual shoots
of one-year saplings from cuttings. To obtain and process the initial data, a set of
methods of experimental botany, chronobiology, and analysis of time series were
Results. On loamy gray forest soils on the background of excessive atmospheric
humidification, the annual growth of shoots of experimental clones was 130–200 cm
with an average daily growth of 1,4–1,5 cm/day and a maximum growth of up to
3,1–3,3 cm/day. The seasonal trend of daily growth was characterized by negative
dynamics. The cyclical nature of the seasonal dynamics of the daily increase with an
interval between peaks of about 20 days was revealed. The established cyclicity is
related to the periodicity of torrential rain. Intraclonal polyvariance of shoot morphogenesis
and intraclonal discreteness of shoot development trajectories were revealed.
Conclusions. Under the experimental conditions, the studied clones of S. viminalis
showed a fairly high productivity along the length of the shoots. The dynamics of
daily growth is determined by the interaction of seasonal trends and cyclical fluctuations.
The frequency of torrential rain has a modulating effect on the cyclicity of daily
increment. The results are recommended to be taken into account when designing
and creating raw plantations of basket willow to obtain consistently high yields of