Summary: | Cell size requires strict and flexible control as it significantly impacts plant growth and development. Unveiling the molecular mechanism underlying cell size control would provide fundamental insights into plants’ nature as sessile organisms. Recently, a GRAS family transcription factor SCARECROW-LIKE28 (SCL28) was identified as a determinant of cell size in plants; specifically, SCL28 directly induces a subset of <i>SIAMESE-RELATED</i> (<i>SMR</i>) family genes encoding plant-specific inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases (i.e., <i>SMR1</i>, <i>SMR2</i>, <i>SMR6</i>, <i>SMR8</i>, <i>SMR9</i>, SMR13, and <i>SMR14</i>), thereby slowing down G2 phase progression to provide the time to increase cell volume. Of the <i>SMR</i> genes regulated by SCL28, genetic analysis has demonstrated that SMR1, SMR2, and SMR13 cooperatively regulate the cell size downstream of SCL28 in roots and leaves, whereas other SMR members’ contribution remains unexplored. This study shows that in root meristematic cells, SMR9 redundantly participates in cell size control with SMR1, SMR2, and SMR13. Moreover, our cell cycle analysis provides the first experimental evidence that SMR proteins inhibit the G2 progression of proliferating cells. Overall, these findings illuminate the diverse yet overlapping roles of SMR proteins in cell cycle regulation while reinforcing that SMRs are essential downstream effectors of SCL28 to modulate G2 progression and cell size.