Summary: | Since 2008, the joint creation of the UNAFORIS (national union of associations for training and research in social intervention) and the PREFAS (poles of research and study for training and social action), has given rise to important political, institutional and epistemological challenges, that have in common the integration of scientific standards into the heart of the vocational training centres for social work. In the wake of the HEPASS (Hautes Ecoles Professionnelles pour l’Action Sociale et de Santé - vocational universities for social action and health) project, the standards and the activities of higher education (ECTS - European credit transfer system), the LMD (degree, master, doctorate) and research activity, are gradually being integrated into social work vocational training. This process of "academisation" is leading to a delicate negotiation between scientific standardisation and university differentiation, according to the cultural autonomy of these vocational schools. This multi-dimensional process is thus generating complex challenges for those concerned. We intend to distinguish between the different dimensions that in reality are intermingled, in order to better describe and analyse them. The aim being to reduce the risk of a confusion between registers which would be detrimental to building a community of researchers united around a more science-based approach able to support professional social work practice.