Summary: | For many families, smartphones, tablets and other devices are a normal part of everyday life.
Children notice when adults are fascinated by their devices, they constantly check their email,
write or read through them more than they interact with their children. Thus, the little ones end
up feeling neglected and feel that they are fighting for the time and attention of their parents.
Given the fact that most adults are absorbed by the digital world, not having the energy to spend
quality time with their children, those have only one chance: to follow the parental model and
spend more and more time in the virtual reality.
Many families which are strongly absorbed by their own electronic devices during the meal not
only cause their children to act to get the attention of their parents, but also respond harshly to
the inappropriate behavior of the child.
This phenomenon is widespread and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage, For example,
Deloitte research of 4,150 people reveals UK smartphone owners’ device shows that:
-39% of respondents believe they use their phone too much. Of these, 83% would like to do
something about it – representative of 14 million people in the UK;
-32% of phones in the UK are on a SIM-only contract, up from 19% in 2015;
-55-75-year-olds are among the fastest-growing adopters of voice-assisted speakers.
In this context, we intend to conduct a comparative study between parents and children to find
1. if these parents are aware of the negative implications of technology for their children;
International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro)
Volume 8 / Issue 16 / 2021
2. if these children realize that they are dependent of electronical devices.
Keywords: addiction, electronical devices, parents-children relationship; future implications.