Summary: | New social forces and literary characters
M. Litovskaya in her article analyzes forms and stages of adapting by the art new social forces, initially perceived as a hostile by the society in the 20-21 centuries texts of Russian literature. Social alien, strange, therefore, hostile forces (the communists in the 1920s-1930s and the “new Russian” in the post-Soviet period) acquires the status of usual in a similar way: its discovery, sacred/demonization and finally – the legitimation carried out through the fusion between the old and new, the fragmentation of alien, positive and negative parts of which are interpretated as universal and traditional, or, in other words, as natural. The ultimate goal of social adaptation by art the new social forces is paving the way for social reconciliation: formation of a sense of security, creating the illusion of social leveling, the natualness of the existing order of things.