Summary: | Abstract Coherent control of individual atomic and molecular spins on surfaces has recently been demonstrated by using electron spin resonance (ESR) in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Here, a combined experimental and modeling study of the ESR of a single hydrogenated Ti atom that is exchange‐coupled to a Fe adatom positioned 0.6–0.8 nm away by means of atom manipulation is presented. Continuous wave and pulsed ESR of the Ti spin show a Rabi rate with two contributions, one from the tip and the other from the Fe, whose spin interactions with Ti are modulated by the radio‐frequency electric field. The Fe contribution is comparable to the tip, as revealed by its dominance when the tip is retracted, and tunable using a vector magnetic field. The new ESR scheme allows on‐surface individual spins to be addressed and coherently controlled without the need for magnetic interaction with a tip. This study establishes a feasible implementation of spin‐based multi‐qubit systems on surfaces.