Summary: | This paper presents a new triple phase shift (TPS) closed-loop control scheme of a dual active bridge (DAB) LCC resonant DC/DC converter to improve wireless charging power transfer efficiency. The primary side inverter phase shift angle regulates the battery charging current/voltage. The secondary side rectifier phase shift angle regulates the rectifier AC load resistance to match its optimized setting. The inverter-to-rectifier phase shift angle is set to achieve unity power factor operation of the DAB rectifier and inverter. The mathematical formulation of the TPS shift control is given for each phase shift angle. The analytical calculation, circuit simulation, and experimental test are carried out in a power scaled-down DAB LCC resonant wireless charging converter laboratory hardware setup to validate the proposed TPS close-loop control scheme. The PLECS circuit simulation shows that DAB LCC resonant SiC MOSFET operates at zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) with a unity power factor in emulated constant current (CC) mode battery charging. In constant voltage (CV) mode operation, one inverter/rectifier Leg does not operate at ZVS switching when Sic MOSFET is switched on near zero current. The experimental results show that the efficiency is greatly improved for CV mode charging with large DC load resistance connected if rectifier AC load resistance matching control is enabled. The measured efficiency matches well with the analytical calculation. The estimated efficiency improvement will be much more significant for EV applications in the kW power range with greater winding loss. The challenges and possible solutions to implement TPS PWM modulation in two separate inverter and rectifier control hardware are explained for future TPS control algorithm development in practical wireless charging products.