Summary: | This paper presents a comprehensive hydrogeological investigation that involves field work, aquifer test, hydrogeochemical analysis, environmental isotope analysis, and interpretations around a proposed nuclear power facility in South Africa. The study was undertaken to test the complementarity of the various methods in the coastal aquifer and to verify the hydrogeological conditions within and around the site. The study revealed the presence of two types of aquifers: an upper primary aquifer made up of the Cenozoic deposits of the Algoa Group, and a deeper fractured aquifer made of the Palaezoic Table Mountain Group (TMG) metasedimentary rocks. Owing to ductile deformation in the form of folding, the fractured quartzite and shale aquifers resulted in an artesian condition, often characterized by slightly acidic (pH ≤ 6) and iron-rich groundwater. The most important hydrogeochemical processes responsible for the observed changes in the hydrochemical composition and facies are mineral dissolution, ion exchange and mixing. The environmental isotope results suggest that all groundwater samples are characterized by a depleted δ<sup>18</sup>O and δ<sup>2</sup>H signal, indicating high latitude moisture source (southern polar region) and recharge from rainfall, with no or minimal evaporation before and during infiltration. Similarities in the stable isotope signatures between the deeper and shallow aquifer confirm the presence of a strong hydraulic link. The residence time of groundwater in the aquifers underlying the proposed nuclear power plant is estimated using tritium (<sup>3</sup>H) and <sup>14</sup>C, and the results indicate that in the shallow aquifer it ranges from recent recharge to 50 years, and in the deeper aquifer, it ranges from 430 ± 5 years to 1000 ± 10 years, which exists in a quasi-pristine condition.