Summary: | The preparation of the teacher constitutes a necessity to give answer to the comprehension texts process in the scholars with spectrum autism disorder keeping in mind the variability in its development. As answer to this problem the investigation that has as objective to propose a methodology for the treatment of textual comprehension in scholars with spectrum autism disorder is developed and it will serves as a guide to the teacher that teaches the subject Spanish Language. In their development methods of the theoretical, empiric and statistical level that allowed to gather, to interpret and to process the information related with the thematic one were used. This methodology is inserted in the conception of the preparation of the educational one to face the improvement in the education of these scholars in the diversity of educational contexts. It constitutes a resource to support the development of the comprehension texts process and it contributes to the social inclussion of the student. This proposal takes into account the role that corresponds to teachers in the development of the potential of their students, their spirit of self-improvement and self-preparation, as well as their ethical commitment to the comprehensive education of school children with autism spectrum disorder.