Summary: | Investigated the relationship of processes and phenomena that take place in the management of natural, energy, material, labor, information and other types of resources for their permanent reduction. In case of misuse in the context of modern science "Resourcenomy" - these problems become especially important in the proposed "tree genesis". Root system "tree" represents the social dimension, stem design - science "Resourcenomy" and crown - the possible economic and social effects of its operation. Coordination processes, the impact on economic phenomena carry both local and international planetary institutions. In "tree genesis" Resourcenomy represented as a functional mechanisms in the social sciences, which operates and interacts with the economy, ecology, etc. resourcelogy and provides research, organization and control of the use of resources at all stages of expanded reproduction. A creation of the International Committee of the rational use of resources at the international institutions, which must coordinate the use of resources on a global scale.