Summary: | Background: The study aimed to assess surface water resources for potential use during nonirrigation seasons to boost groundwater aquifers. This method also helps reduce aquifer depletion, mitigate land subsidence, and enhance groundwater quality.Methods: In this study, artificial feeding methods were used to determine the appropriate location for the Ghaemshahr plain. Water resources were tested in terms of quantity and quality through field and laboratory studies. Based on the findings, geographic information system (GIS) mapping was utilized to create maps and select the best location and feeding method.Results: The most important source of nutrition for recharging the aquifer in terms of quantity and quality was the Talar River. The study area’s conditions like aquifer thickness, permeability, topographic slope, and land use were analyzed using GIS and thematic maps. The results indicated that by using these methods, it is possible to store 5 million cubic meters of surface water in the aquifer for 6 months.Conclusion: This study demonstrated the feasibility of using surface waters in the area for artificial feeding, employing the pond method1. Additionally, it is recommended to dig measuring wells to monitor the water level rise at the bottom of the pond 1. It also suggests the use of simulation software like PMVIN, Mod flow, and GMS to optimize the artificial replenishment process and select the most suitable approach from the defined scenarios before taking any actions.