Summary: | Rotation of the testis around the axis of the spermatic cord results in tissue ischaemia and testicular torsion (TT). TT in the newborn infant in the 1st month of life is referred to as neonatal TT (NTT) or perinatal TT and occurs in 6.1/100, 000 live births. The true incidence could be higher as some of these occur prenatally and can be asymptomatic. TT can be extravaginal, intravaginal and mesorchial and NTT is usually extravaginal. Physical examination can be adequate for the diagnosis, and utility of ultrasound (US) is mainly to exclude other conditions. If the timing of the torsion is prenatal, the testicle may not be salvageable. But, in certain situations, these could be asymptomatic bilateral TT. When the timing of torsion is not simultaneous (asynchronous torsion) early contralateral orchiopexy done at the time of exploration would prevent the occurence of asynchronous torsion. Non.operative maneuvres to detorse in NTT are not successful and not recommended. This review focuses on the diagnostic approach and management.