Summary: | During their service, engine oils suffer from various influencing parameters such as thermo-oxidative stress and nitration, hence, the accumulation of degradation products and the entry of contaminants. Accordingly, ICEs need to be able to operate satisfactorily, especially with a degraded lubricant, making it highly recommendable to use such oils for component testing in ICE development. Thus, a new nitrative thermo-oxidative ageing method is presented for closer-to-reality simulation of engine oil alteration with the intention to provide reproducibly aged oils for subsequent bench testing. With this method, a target used oil from field application was replicated and the comparability of oil condition in the lab vs. field regarding oxidation, nitration, additive depletion, and acidification amongst others was verified by conventional and advanced analyses. Special focus was laid on the identification of nitration products, proving them to be predominantly oxidized aromatic species or organophosphates. The presented method gives valuable benefit for the closer-to-reality ageing of engine oils in reasonable time frames with moderate costs and, hence, for the provision of test oils for ICE bench testing enabling rapid engine component assessment.