Summary: | Developing and developed nations are progressively using sport events as a vehicle to promote development, predominantly in relation to economic growth. This study examines sport events as an important and growing part of the event industry to leverage the tourism and hospitality industry growth in Libreville, Gabon. Gabon is a country situated on the west coast of Central Africa. Several studies investigating sport events as tools to leverage tourism and hospitality growth have been initiated in both developed and developing economies; however none of any such have been carried out in Libreville. The main focus of this study is therefore to establish if sport events organised in Libreville accrue positive tourism and hospitality outcomes for the host city and country by looking at the factors that encourage its development; as well as the challenges and opportunities related to organising sport events in Libreville. This study adopted a qualitative approach to data collection whereby eighteen structured interviews were conducted with representatives of sport, tourism and hospitality organisations in Libreville. A thematic analysis of the findings identified, analysed and reported patterns within data. The findings reveal that sport events are undeniably a way to grow the tourism and hospitality industry in Libreville, and Gabon more broadly. Moreover, sport events assist in promoting the image of Gabon. It was recommended that, in order for Libreville, and Gabon, to become an even more competitive destination known for sport event tourism, greater stakeholder collaboration is required at all levels of sport event life cycles.