Summary: | This article analyzes from a constitutionallaw perspective, one ofthe main controversial issues thatthe recently enacted reform proposalof the Catalan Estatut hasraised: the legal and technical natureof the new system adoptedby the reform proposal to establishthe distribution of powersbetween the Catalan institutionsand central government and institutions.Confronting what hasbeen the rule since 1979, the newsystem fixes with precision thescope of powers of the Catalaninstitutions by specifying the functionaland substantive nature ofthese powers, that is, by specifyingthe legal margin of manoeuvreon these powers and their specificcontent. This new system and thelegal technique on which it is based,have been largely criticizedfrom several points of view, mainlyarguing that they are not fullyconstitutional. In this sense, themain objective of this article is toargue for the constitutional andlegal appropriateness of the newsystem of power distribution, and,therefore, to argue against itsmain criticisms.