Summary: | Originally created in 1946 as an educational and research institution at Universidade do Brasil, the Instituto de Nutrição Josué de Castro (INJC) (Josué de Castro Nutrition Institute) of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2021. The objective of this report - presented in the “Perspectives” modality - was to describe the trajectory of undergraduate courses at INJC, in undergraduate teaching, through interviews and testimonials of professors, the analysis of documents, reports, notes, annotations of the institutional collection and consultations with information systems and data storage of the university in the form of books, resolutions/laws/decrees that are relevant to the theme. The Institute offers two undergraduate courses. Nutrition was the first one, implemented in 1948 for the education of dietitians/nutritionists. Gastronomy was implemented later, in 2011; it was a pioneer in many aspects, e.g., it was located in southeast Brazil; it was held in a public institution; it was conceived as an undergraduate modality, with an innovative pedagogical proposal. Both degree programs were designed with highly qualified faculty with diverse backgrounds, who are intrinsically involved in teaching, research, and extension activities inside and outside the unit through partnership with other institutions, social organizations, and class entities, which ensure quality education of students. In celebration of its 75th anniversary, INJC reaffirms its commitment to solid, technical professional education for social transformations and in the defense of the human right to adequate and healthy food.