Summary: | Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are common in hospitalized persons living with dementia (PLWD). This pilot aimed to test the feasibility of an innovative model of care, PES-4-BPSD (a dementia unit staffed with Patient Engagement Specialists, PES). Non-randomized pilot feasibility trial was conducted, enrolling N = 158 patients to the intervention unit ( n = 79, a 10-bed dementia unit, staffed with nursing assistants, NAs, with mental health backgrounds, PES) and an enhanced control unit ( n = 79, 40-bed medicine unit, staffed with NAs). All NAs/PES ( N = 63) received dementia training, with completion rate of 82.5%. Overall, patients had ~1 NPI-Q (Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire) assessment/48 hr. 97% ( n = 153) of PLWD exhibited at least one behavior. Average NPI-Q scores did not differ across intervention (5.36) and control (3.87) units ( p = .23). Patients on the intervention unit had 88% ( p = .002) shorter duration of constant observation. A dementia care unit staffed by PES is an innovative model requiring further research.