Summary: | We review the field of atom interferometer inertial sensors. We begin by reviewing the path integral formulation of atom interferometers and then specialize the treatment to light-pulse atom interferometers and, in particular, gravimeters and gyroscopes. The bulk of the article focuses on the most common type of atom interferometer – the light-pulse interferometer, where the atom optics are composed of light pulses. Our article mainly focuses on a review of advances that aid in the practical implementation of atom interferometers toward gravimetry and inertial navigation. To that end, we develop a navigation model that aids in the connection of parameters and performance of atom interferometers to actual quantities of interest to the navigation community. Practical considerations of atomic inertial sensors, including dynamic range, bandwidth, dead time, and cross-coupling effects are discussed, before we review the field of accelerometer and gyroscope atom interferometers. Finally, we review advances in trapped-atom interferometers.