Summary: | In the introduction of the paper, we presented theoretical aspects related to rural tourism, equestrian, and
horse-drawn carriage tourism. Next, we presented the organisation of the research, and then we presented and
analysed results. The research carried out in 2016 had two phases. In the first phase, questionnaires were
administered to residents about equestrian and horse-drawn carriage tourism heritage of Mărişelu village and
its capitalisation. In the second phase, a teaching experiment was held with 22 pupils in the primary grades
from Mărişelu Middle School, Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania. An initial test and a final one were applied,
and in between, an experimental activity took place consisting of pupils’ completion of a 25 km long route,
during 12 hours through six villages of Mărişelu coomune, accompanied by teachers and parents in horse-drawn