Summary: | All This Can Happen (ATCH) had its first public screening at Dance Umbrella, London’s international dance festival, on the 13th October 2012. Since then, the work has been screened internationally, reviewed in dance and film journals and online, and been the subject of a symposium at the Freie Universität Berlin. This issue of the IJSD builds on this extensive circulation, and dedicates, for the first time in the history of the journal, the whole issue to one work of art. A comparable venture in the publishing realm is the One Work series from Afterall Books, in which publications are dedicated to exploring a selected piece of work. However, a single writer or critic authors One Work projects. The selection of writers included in this issue brings together some of those who have screened the work in their respective venues or festivals, some of those who have contributed to the Berlin Symposium, and others who have engaged with it in their scholarly work or reviewed the film for the wider press. In this way, different voices and perspectives are gathered around one focal point. Besides enriching our understanding of the work in question, this commonality of focus also serves to highlight the extraordinary richness of dialogues that occur in the multidisciplinary field of screendance.