Summary: | Current climatc, social and fnancial phenomena have triggered deep modifcatons in cultural landscapes, threatening their fragile territories and the communites that live in them. Nevertheless, they also represent a challenge to fnd a renewed link between forms of human actvity and the producton of landscape in order to understand its future evolutons. This paper deals with this feld of investgaton in the context of the Cinque Terre Natonal Park, in Italy, through scenario planning criteria with the goal of rethinking the heritagelisted system of traditonal terraced agriculture systems as an infrastructural element for a resilient territory. Startng from the Universal Soil Loss Equaton (USLE), it identfes the main territorial factors of uncertainty and accordingly suggests possible interventon categories on the wider scale of the so-called slope units, through 2x2 matrixes. Defning a resilient transformaton program for the environmental system of the Cinque Terre Natonal Park over a twenty-year tme frame means considering adaptability as a key aspect in diferent scenarios that might be generated in the near future.