Summary: | Drought occurs due to less rainfall over an extended period or some time of the year, disturbing all meteorological and hydrological parameters which results in a water shortage to human being needs. The occurrence of drought in Malegaon is more frequent, affecting a large number of people in it. The unplanned water resources present around the study area, adding more in drought vulnerability impact. The topography, soil type, water demand and cropping pattern in the study area play an important role while drought monitoring in the selected study region. The demand of water for growing populations, irrigation, and industrial development has increased rapidly in the study area. The current study focus on performance of two important meteorological drought indices; SPI and RDI for 3, 6, 12 month time scale in Malegaon. The measures to cope up with frequent drought has been suggested for the present study as an outcome of research, change in cropping pattern, land use and alternative sources of water for the region has been recommended to cope up with growing water demand for the peri urban area.