Summary: | Summary:. This work explores the upcoming era of artificial intelligence (AI), its potential impact on societal norms and aesthetics, and the biases inherent in AI systems. With the ability to generate realistic human-like art and language, AI entities like DALL·E or Midjourney have significant cultural and economic implications, particularly in creative sectors. However, our study highlights potential biases in AI, demonstrated through a text-to-image model called Craiyon, which was found to generate oversized and sexually suggestive images of breasts when prompted with certain phrases. These results underline the influence of societal norms on AI and the risk of perpetuating harmful stereotypes or unrealistic beauty standards. We emphasize the need for vigilance in monitoring AI’s learning processes and potential biases, particularly as AI starts playing a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions of beauty and self. More inclusive and diverse AI models are needed to better represent the complexity of human beauty and to avoid biases.