Summary: | The new records of the lichens of limestone outcrops in the southern part of the Russian Far East (Primorye Territory and Sakhalin Region) are presented. Among them, Catillaria detractula, Gyalecta jenensis, Myriolecis semipallida, Physconia jacutica, Sarcogyne regularis, Thyrea confusa, Verrucaria caerulela, V. viridula and Xanthoria calcicola are newly reported for the Russian Far East; Acarospora glaucocarpa, A. macrospora, Lecanora valesiaca, Protoblastenia calva and Thelidium decipiens are newly reported for the southern part of the Russian Far East. Xanthocarpia crenulatella is a new species for Sakhalin Region. Diagnostic traits of the species, peculiarities of the material from the Russian Far East, distribution, ecology and comparison with the closest species are given.