Summary: | Some problems of alteration for building structures of a conventional masonry for which working lifetime is approaching or has exceeded the expected design life are presented. In the course of these works, non-bearing masonry walls are often removed and as a result significant damages to supporting structures are often made, and in extreme cases even building collapses. Building surveyors who prepare a structural appraisal for technical reports of damaged masonry structures, as a solution to the problem, recommend sometimes to make only surface reinforcement of damaged walls. The question of significant change in the load distribution in alteration for buildings of conventional design is complex and in some cases above the recommended surface repairs may not be sufficient to ensure structural reliability or the safety of buildings exploitation. The paper proposes a scope of evaluation and structural analysis of a building, which allows to properly determine the range of the existing threats, and on this basis to carry out adequate repair of damaged masonry structures, including structural strengthening.[b]Keywords:[/b] masonry structures, buildings without ring beam of floor slabs, damages of masonry walls, structural failures and collapses