Summary: | The effect of environmental factors on bacterial
and actinobacterial communities was assessed to predict
microbial community structure in natural gradients.
Bacterial and actinobacterial communities were studied
at four sites differing in vegetation and water regime:
creek sediment, wet meadow, dry meadow and deciduous
forest located in a shallow valley. The vegetation structure
was assessed by phytocoenological releves. T-RFLP and
quantitative PCR were used to determine community
composition and abundances. Significant relationships
between bacterial community structure and selected
soil traits at sites located relatively close to each other
(within 200 m) were demonstrated. Both the quantity
and structure of bacterial communities were significantly
influenced by organic matter content, soil moisture and
pH. Bacterial diversity was higher in summer, while that
of actinobacteria increased in winter. The Simpson’s
evenness E was significantly correlated with soil organic
matter content. Soil pH had the greatest influence on
bacterial community structure showing higher within-site
variability in summer than in winter.