Summary: | In 2005, Ben-El-Mechaiekh, Chebbi, and Florenzano obtained a generalization of Ky Fan's 1984 KKM theorem on the intersection of a family of closed sets on non-compact convex sets in a topological vector space. They also extended the Fan-Browder fixed point theorem to multimaps on non-compact convex sets. Since then several groups of the L-space theorists introduced coercivity families and applied them to L-spaces,
H-spaces, etc. In this article, we show that better forms of such works can be deduced from a general KKM theorem on abstract convex spaces in our previous works. Consequently, all of known KKM theoretic results on L-spaces related coercivity families are extended to corresponding better forms on abstract convex spaces.
This article is a continuation of our [38] and a revised and extended version of [34].