Summary: | We report here the results of a survey of the phytobenthos of Boipeba Island, Bahia state, Brazil. Samples were collected during three periods (July 2007 and March and December 2012) in the intertidal regions of offshore reefs near the beaches at Ponta dos Castelhanos, Bainema, Moreré, and Tassimirim. A total of 159 taxa were identified: Rhodophyta (83), Chlorophyta (52), Heterokontophyta/Phaeophyceae (21), Cyanobacteria (02), and Magnoliophyta (01). The most representative orders were Ceramiales (Rhodophyta), Bryopsidales (Chlorophyta), and Dictyotales (Heterokontophyta/Phaeophyceae) with 30, 23 and 15 taxa respectively; vouchers were deposited in the herbarium of the Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (HUEFS). This work adds 150 new taxa to those already known for Boipeba Island, including Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackh. in With.) Grev., whose occurrence is now confirmed for the coast of Bahia. The number of species identified in this study was elevated in comparison with previous phytobenthos studies undertaken on Brazilian islands.