Summary: | This article is devoted to the study of the Russian inclusive environment state, as well as the analysis of the market for rehabilitation equipment for people with disabilities. The emphasis is placed on the possibility of using a Russian technological product in the field of disabled people rehabilitation. The purpose of the study is to analyze expert opinions on the Russian market of goods for rehabilitation, to identify the level of potential demand for a technological novelty of the NEUROCHAT hardware and software complex, as well as to develop recommendations for promoting Russian-made rehabilitation equipment on the market. The research methods were the secondary analysis of metadata on the rehabilitation goods market and the state of the inclusive environment of the Russian Federation from open Russian and foreign sources, the use of the snowball-technic method to obtain statistical data, as well as conducting primary research in the form of in-depth interviews and an Internet survey of representatives of target groups. The relevance lies in the reflection of the trends emerging in the Russian inclusive environment and in the rehabilitation equipment market. The development of innovative products aimed at integrating people with disabilities into the social environment makes it possible to implement government programs, which will improve the life of this category of Russians. The practical significance lies in the potential of using the new rehabilitation equipment - the NEUROCHAT hardware and software complex, which has a wide potential in the areas of rehabilitation, socialization, employment and education of disabled people. The novelty lies in the use of modern marketing tools to promote the product on the market of rehabilitation equipment in the Russian Federation. As a result, recommendations were developed for promoting Russian-made rehabilitation equipment on the market using the example of the NEUROCHAT hardware and software complex technological novelty.