Summary: | 随着医学影像技术的快速发展,将流体力学与医学影像相结合使得血流动力学的可视化 变为现实。目前血流动力学在脑血管病中发挥重要作用,应用也越来越广泛,但是在脑血管病影像教 学中,对血管的评价多局限于结构学,而血流动力学能够让学生更直观地观察到不同部位不同疾病 的血流状态,便于理解与掌握,而且可以刷新传统医学课本对脑血管病的认识,有助于学生开展科 研工作。因此,血流动力学在脑血管病影像教学中具有重要意义。
With the rapid development of medical imaging technology, medical imaging combined with fluid dynamics makes hemodynamics become visual. At present, hemodynamics plays an important role in cerebrovascular disease (CVD), and it is widely applied in CVD field. However, the assessment of blood vessels is mostly limited to vascular structure in CVD imaging teaching. The hemodynamics can help us observe blood flow states of different diseases more visually, which can deepen and refresh our understanding for CVD, and consequently this can help students conduct scientific research. In a word, hemodynamics has important significance in CVD imaging teaching.