Summary: | 脑健康定义为脑结构、功能和社会适应正常,并且没有明显的脑疾病。卒中和痴呆是神经系统疾病负担的前两位。卒中和痴呆可以协同预防,两者具有相似的危险因素。神经-血管单元是脑健康的结构基础,脑血流和脑灌注下降、血管内皮功能受损等病理生理过程可导致β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid β-protein,Aβ)蓄积并继发神经变性。随机对照试验证实,控制血管危险因素可以延缓痴呆的发病和进展。因此,世界卒中组织提出了“通过预防卒中来预防痴呆”的观点。做好卒中人群预防和个体预防,针对特殊人群、少见原因和关键病理生理机制,做好精准预防。建立脑健康中心,通过认知风险预测、风险沟通、认知风险降低和认知增强等技术预防痴呆和促进脑健康。脑健康行动将在全球范围内获得更多的政策支持。促进脑健康,需要融合新技术,需要创新和研究。
Abstract: Brain Health is defined as a normal status of the brain in the structure and in the function, as well as in the social adaption, without overt diseases in the brain. Stroke and dementia consist the two major contributors of the neurological disorders burden. A synergism in the prevention for stroke and dementia will beneficial. The risk factors of stroke and dementia are similar. The neurovascular unit is fundamental for brain health. The decrease in the cerebral blood flow or in the cerebral perfusion, vascular endothelial cell functional lesions will lead to the amyloid β-protein accumulation and secondary neurological degeneration. The incidence of dementia had been decreased when the risk factors for vascular diseases were controlled in the randomized controlled trials. Hence, the World Stroke Orgnization proposed “ the Preventing dementia by preventing stroke ”. In addition to the population-wide strategies and strategies for individuals with high risk in stroke prevention, the strategies with precise medicine focused on the uncommon cause for stroke, the special subgroups and key pathophysiological mechanisms will improve the practice. Brain health service emphasised on prevent dementia and promote brain health through cognitive risk prediction, risk communicaion, risk reduction and cognitive enhancement. The brain health initiative, will get more support around the world. The innovations in research and technology will promote the managment of the brain health.