Summary: | Background: Integrated patient-centered care is a call for fundamental shift in how health care services are delivered as it is believed to improve patient outcomes and experience. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) are powerful tools as they provide validated information on patient's perception. REDISSEC, the Spanish Research Network on Health Services Research on Chronic Patients, is developing various projects on this field. Aims and Objectives: The workshop will cover three objectives: Provide an overview of the use of PROMs and PREMS in different situations and patient’s profile. Reflect on their advantages and disadvantages, problems or limitations. Discuss how to incorporate them into clinical practice in an integration health care environment. Format: Total duration: 1h. Each speaker will have 8 minutes for presenting, and 20 min for a final joint discussion, following this schedule: Contents / Time: Welcome to the workshop. Chair: Jose Maria Quintana. Hospital Galdakao-Usansolo. 0 min “Patient centered outcomes in multimorbidity: quality of life, comorbidity and other issues” Maria João Forjaz. ENS-ISCIII. This talk will focus in the problem of multimorbidity (MM), the importance of measuring PRO in MM, including quality of life and comorbidity scales. 8 min “The measure of functionality in elder adults: benefits and challenges”. Itziar Vergara. Unidad Investigacion APOSIS Gipuzkoa, Osakidetza. Being function a complex construct, a number of questions arise: what measures are the most appropriate? How has to be explored considering clinical settings? Are health professionals trained to do so? 16 min “Measuring health-related quality of life with the EQ-5D instruments: how-to for clinicians and decision makers” Juan Manuel Ramos-Goñi. Axentiva Solutions. The EQ-5D instrument is especially relevant in the care of chronic patients where integrated care is essential for effective and efficient patient management. 24 min “Priorization of PROMs in the assessment of the quality of health care provided to chronic patients”. Noemí Robles. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In this talk we will review how PROMs have been prioritised in the design of the assessment strategies through four research projects undertaken during the period 2013-2018. 32 min “Measuring satisfaction with Primary Care: the perspective of patients in 7 European Countries” Antonio Sarría-Santamera. ENS-ISCIII. The EUPRIMECARE project developed an instrument to measure satisfaction with Primary Care (PC), which was applied in 7 EU countries. Factors related to greater satisfaction with PC were: age, visits to a specialist, having a PC doctor and higher intensity of diagnostic & control performed in PC. 40 min Joint discussion: Participants: Speakers and audience Target audience: Researchers, clinicians and managers who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated care. Learnings/Take away: What are the advantages and disadvantages when using PROMs and PREMs in clinical practice and in integrated care. What are the advances in specific fields as fragility or multimorbidity. How to use and interpret the results of these tools in real life.